All Adult Leaders/Participants are required to have read and be familiar with the
Archdiocese of Brisbane - Archdiocesan Ethical Code of Conduct. Please refer to Pat Casey the Volunteer Coordinator:, should you require further clarification:
I will:
Conduct myself in a Christian manner through language, dress and behaviour and be a positive role model to promote the values of the Catholic Church through my words and actions
Act in accordance with federal laws, and the laws, regulations and rules of the State/Territory in which the activity is hosted.
Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration.
Avoid all forms of discrimination and respect the dignity of each person without regard to economic status, age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or physical or mental abilities.
Use positive reinforcement and communication rather than criticism, unhealthy competition, or comparison.
Adhere to emergency plans and evacuation routes appropriate to the venue and adhere to all instructions provided by ministry leaders.
Uphold the authority of those responsible for the program or activity in which I am participating.
I will not:
Engage in any inappropriate conduct.
Upload, post on social media or transmit via a mobile device embarrassing or inappropriate photos of myself or others.
Use, purchase, possess, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs, substances or alcohol at any time.
Purchase, download, possess, or distribute pornography.
Participate in, or tolerate behaviour which humiliates, ridicules, threatens or degrades others.
Use physical discipline in any way for behaviour management of others. No form of physical discipline is acceptable. This includes but is not limited to slapping, pinching, shaking, hitting or any other physical force as retaliation or correction for inappropriate behaviour.
Use rude or offensive language in the presence of others.
I hereby represent that I am not currently being investigated for, nor have I ever been convicted of an offence against any person whether an adult or minor (including but not limited to murder, assault, battery, sexual assault, injury to a minor, and abandoning or endangering a minor); I have never been terminated from employment or a volunteer position for reasons related to allegations of physical or sexual abuse by me; nor have I sought or received any medical, physical, or psychological treatment for reasons involving physical or sexual abuse by me. I understand that should my response to any of the statements above change, I am obligated to inform Darra Jindalee Catholic Parish immediately.
Moreover, I understand that should I admit to or be found guilty of an incident of sexual misconduct or other offence against any person (as noted above), or if it appears that an alleged claim is substantiated; my involvement with the activity shall be immediately terminated.
Further, I understand that my failure to agree to and abide by the Adult Code of Conduct will bar me from participating in the activity.
I have read the above Code of Conduct and agree to follow it. I understand that if the Code is breached then the
Darra Jindalee Catholic Parish may:
Report my misconduct to local statutory authorities, if the breach in any way violates local ordinances or laws
Dismiss me from the activity
Ban me from involvement in future events