A few years ago, one of the TV channels screened a show called VITAMANIA. According to the producers, the vitamin industry is worth 100 billion dollars worldwide. It is estimated that over 85,000 vitamin products and dietary supplements are on the market. We are told that these products will improve memory, reduce cholesterol levels, slow aging, improve heart health, promote more restful sleep, and so on. Suppose a company would advertise a supplement with a headline: “Take our supplement, and you will live forever”. This claim would be met with scepticism and disbelief.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus offers his listeners the Living Bread that came down from heaven; he says, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.” Just as the Jewish people were given manna as nourishment on their way to the Promised Land, we may think of the Eucharist as the “manna” that we are given to strengthen us for our journey to heaven.

However, the Eucharist is not only something that we are given to fortify our souls; instead, the Eucharist is someone. The Eucharist is our encounter with the Risen Lord who is truly present — body, blood, soul and divinity — in the consecrated Host and Precious Wine we are privileged to receive.

As we receive Holy Communion, the Risen Lord stands before us and says, “Take and eat; this is my body; take and drink; this is my blood.” and we become a holy communion with him and our brothers and sisters who in procession go up to the altar at the communion time.

Fr Jan

Workshop – Special (Extraordinary) Ministers of the Eucharist

A workshop for the Special Ministers of Eucharist who do their ministry in our Parish will be held at The Twelve Apostles Church, Jindalee, on Saturday, August 10, at 10.30 am. For those unable to come on that day, there will be an additional option OLSH, Darra on Saturday August 24, at 10.30 am.

The workshop presents a unique opportunity for growth and learning. Its purpose is to review our practices in light of the Liturgical norms and guidelines, encouraging us to see what can be changed to enhance our ministry.

As the Holy Eucharist is at the heart of any parish’s liturgical life, all Eucharist ministers must show reverence, dignity and elegance, highlighting the Real Presence of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

RCIA 2024/2025 PROGRAM

For all considering joining the Roman Catholic Church, a special program has been designed to prepare candidates for the Sacraments
of Christian Initiation. (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.)

This program is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This formation offers some insight into the Catholic faith. Are you considering becoming Catholic? Do you know someone who wishes to learn about the Catholic Faith? Please get in touch with the Darra-Jindalee Parish office via email or phone.

The participants of the RCIA meet regularly once a week on Tuesdays. Together, they embark on a journey of exploration and discovery of the Catholic faith, moving towards Lent and the Easter Vigil, when the Sacraments of Initiation will be celebrated.


The Annual Catholic Campaign will be held weekend 17/18 August. The Funds raised go to training future priests, caring for elderly priests, help families access a Catholic Education and care for those suffering physically and emotionally. All donations are tax deductible.


CCR Brisbane Healing Prayer Centres will be offering training sessions for Level 1 Healing Prayer Ministry by Francis and Judith MacNutt of Christian Healing Ministries. Sessions include:

Scriptural foundations for healing, History of healing in the Church, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Healing our image of God, Praying for physical healing, Introduction to inner healing, Healing power of forgiveness, Practicum on Prayer Ministry.

Everyone is most welcome—this level 1 course is open to all who wish to attend.

Dates: 17 August, 28 September, 2 November (attendance at all 3 training days required)

Time: 9.00am—5.00pm
Venue: St John’s Catholic Church, 688 Nudgee Road, Northgate.
More Information:

Registration: (please indicate if manual required) Queries: 0432 968 892


In keeping with the tradition of the Catholic Church, I invite children who received their First Holy Communion two Sundays ago to join the very important ministry of Altar Serving.

This ministry is designed to further your child’s religious journey and encourage personal responsibility and participation in Darra Jindalee Parish.

Altar serving is not just a duty but a profound privilege. The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in celebrating the liturgy during the Eucharist. Our loving Saviour becomes present at the Altar, just as He was at the Last Supper and Calvary. Therefore, serving at the Altar is a great honour. Through this ministry, the Altar Servers learn about the liturgy and have the unique opportunity to grow in communion with our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. The Altar Server ministry is a good way of fostering spiritual growth for the young parishioners. After the school break the registered children will receive formation/training.

If your child is interested, please contact by phone at (07) 3715 8517 or email at


Dear Parishioners,

The ADF has changed banking details for those who have been direct depositing periodically:-

The New Bank Account details are:-

Darra Jindalee Catholic Church
BSB: 064 786
ACCOUNT: 100000351

We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.